Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How do I fix a bald spot in my lawn due to spilled oil based stain?

I was staining my fence the other day when I spilled some on my neighbors lawn and few days later it killed the grass. I figured i could just patch it with some grass seed and hay but I am afraid it would not grow that the ground is now contaminated. Do I need to dig up that part of the lawn and lay down some fresh dirt and grass seed?How do I fix a bald spot in my lawn due to spilled oil based stain?
Unfortunately, yes you will have to dig up that part of the soil and replace it. I would did down about a foot and a couple of inches out into the unaffected lawn. Don't use any of that quick grow stuff you will see advertised in the stores. It does grow quickly, but it has a very high percentage of annual rye grass seed, which only lives one season. Once the area is dug out and refilled, smooth it out with a rake and spread your seed. Then take the back of the rake and incorporate into the soil. Anything left on the surface should be considered to be bird food. if you want to use a seed that will fill in quickly and come back year after year, perennial rye's should only take a week to 10 days to germinate. Your fescues will take 2 to 3 weeks and blue grasses can take up to 6 to 8 weeks.How do I fix a bald spot in my lawn due to spilled oil based stain?
make a sod patch.... use a pattern, like a 12 inch paver block or some such thing... cut around it as it sits over the dead area..... remove all that grass and the topsoil that clings to the roots........ now go to a part of your yard where the grass matches that which you just removed.... cut another time around the paver, only this time be really careful to go deep enufff to remove the patch with roots and some soil attached!!!.... take the patch and place it where the dead spot was.... water well and use a little pressure from your hands and body weight to insure good connection between the patch and the soil..... see that the area stays moist for a week and a little more..... go back and put some good soil in YOUR yard where you took out the patch, and sow some seed there or patch it with some border grass from your own yard that's extra......
Just put some seed there and watch. If it grows you are ok if not remove some of the topsoil and replace.

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