Monday, April 26, 2010

Power went out,oil furnace will not fire up.Reset button is still pushed in.What can i do to fix?

My power went out while oil furnace was on.Now powers back on but no heat.Fan comes on but furnace won't fire up.The reset button is still pushed in.What can I do to fix?Power went out,oil furnace will not fire up.Reset button is still pushed in.What can i do to fix?
You have to find out if you have power to the furnace, why did the power go out, is it possible that you have some electrical issue going on, loose connections some place so the furnace doesn't have power, does anything else in the house have any problems...Don't bother looking for a standing pilot light your furnace will not have one, even if your ignition transformer is bad it will try to start when you reset the primary control..

It is hard to tell what you have as there were many combinations of controls used over the years, but from what you describe if you have power to the furnace, I would look and see if you have an open high limit switch, maybe the furnace was running when the power went out and that was the last time the limit switch was going to open, if you can post a picture it would help a lot....Power went out,oil furnace will not fire up.Reset button is still pushed in.What can i do to fix?
The pilot light must have gone out, inside the blower area of the furnace there is a pilot light that stays on all the time. It must be re-lit a long BBQ match is best.

But it is possible that your furnace is starved for supply also this can happen due to dirt or residue from the oil tank blocking a supply line or the burner itself.

Try the pilot light first.
What ever you do DO NOT TOUCH THOSE TWO SPRINGS (ignite rs). I did that once and I do not know how I'm typing to you as I was also standing in water in a 150 year old house. You are missing a reset most likely Cycle all switches including any and all furnace switches to start with
if you have a standing pilot make sure it is lit.If it is electronic ignition try turning off the breaker to the furnace with the thermostat set to the lowest temp.and wait 30 seconds for the control to reset.Then turn it back on and set your thermostat. This may do it.
check the furnace breakers ,there may not be power to the pump and igniter

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