Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to fix and oil leak?

it on crankshaft

how do i fix it

does the last bearing how it in place?How to fix and oil leak?
wHow to fix and oil leak?
Most carnk seals go bad because the owner is using bery cheap oil. THe oil decomposes and makes sludge that fills the lips of the seals, and then it hardens. Many cars can be repaired without fussing with the seals at all. Use a good de-sludging chemical, like butyl cello-solve. Then use Mobil One or ELF oil ALWAYS afterwards. These oils will revitalize the seals, prolong oil change intervals, and clean the inside of the engine as you drive. The bonus is that your fuel mileage improves, too. Forget regular dino oils altogether!!
umm... you really have to be more specific. Slap some RTV on it.
crank shaft is above oil pan it gets oil from oil pump that drain from top of motor or splashes up from oil pan bearing is what crankshaft rides on oil runs down on to crank no way to have a leak on inside of motor oil cant leak into oil so if you have a leak it leaks on the ground under car an dif bearing bad its because they didnt get oil
stop pouring oil into the crankcase....voila

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