Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Obama says we need to reduce our dependency on foreign oil. How does inflating our tires fix that?

In Michigan today Obama said we have an addiction to foreign oil. How does his ';Inflate your tires Energy Plan'; solve that?Obama says we need to reduce our dependency on foreign oil. How does inflating our tires fix that?
It doesn't really. If you want to end an addiction to foreign oil then I suggest we drill our own..Obama says we need to reduce our dependency on foreign oil. How does inflating our tires fix that?
I watched the video in which he said that in a speech in Missouri. He actually said alot more than that in regard to his energy plan. Perhaps his website will clear things up for you about his energy plan.


As far as inflating the tires, it does increase fuel efficiency anywhere from 3% to 8% depending on city or freeway driving. Fortunately, this isn't the entirity of his plan. However, it is a much more bigger plan in itself than George Bush's energy plan. GWB's energy plan was just to let the oil industry run the country and do nothing to stop the high price of oil.
I suppose you don't own an automobile, because if you did you would know for a fact that maintaining your vehicle if the best way to optimize your gas mileage, which means you use less fuel, which cuts our oil usage, which reduces our dependency on foreign oil. Properly inflating your tires may seem silly and simplistic, but with gas at over $4 a gallon your personal savings would be immense. When you figure we get about 18 MPG on average, low tire pressure could reduce that by 3 MPG. In a 20 gallon tank you should average 360 total miles. Low tire pressure reduces that to 300, costing you 60 miles or 4 gallons of gas per fill-up. Your low tires just cost you $16 per fill-up and you have to fill up sooner than normal, meaning more often. If you normally fill your tank just once a week you are wasting 208 gallons per year and spending an additional $832. Multiply those numbers by just one million people and perhaps you'll understand the point. With just this small sampling (there are over 230 million people in the US, not including those here illegally) it shows that people not properly maintaining their vehicles would waste 4 millions of gas and give an additional $16 million in profits to the oil industry. And that's just one week!!! It's worse for those people that drive SUVs or commute long distances to work where they fill up twice a week.
I worked in the automotive industry for a number of years and have worked on my own cars since high school (a good while).

When Obama was talking about inflating tires and tuning up your car, he was referring to about 8-10 gas efficiency tips that have been known to be valid for over 60 years. Inflating tires and tuning your car correctly can actually result in a gas savings of 12-22%. I dare anyone to prove that if we open up drilling like what's been talked about, that it will result in enough oil to equate that level of consumption. As for inflating tires, tunes ups, etc. bringing the gas price down, it will and we already proved it. Gas price recently fell due to the bankruptcy(?) of a oil contracts company (thus redispersing the contracts) plus slumping gasoline demand in the second quarter.

I personally practice these methods and routinely use about 15-20% less gas than when I didn't. In fact, on most small to medium import cars, you can spend about $900 in parts and immediately get 20-25% higher mileage. A friend of mine did this on his Honda Civic; before the parts, he got roughly 32mpg, after the parts he got 42mpg (both are hwy ratings).

I've been laughing my butt off for days now listening to so many clowns mock Obama just because he said something they've never heard of and don't know. So funny how the misinformed make themselves SO obvious to the rest of us.
Are you that simple minded that you don't understand if we conserve we won't use as much oil and will therefore be better off? It's isn't everything he wants to do, no one thing will FIX the issue. But you have to start somewhere. Oh, and just so you understand, inflating your tires helps gas mileage and cuts down on wear so your tires last longer.
Obama will always avoid the complexities of the issue because he just can't handle it. He wouldn't know a properly inflated tire if it rolled over him. His comments actually put people in danger. I could go on about the technical issues on tire pressure but, I won't bore you.

The fact is we waste more engergy in electrical losses over transmission lines than anywhere else in the engergy matrix. We stand to exasperate that problem by putting windmills in remote locations where they can't be seen. Along with tire pressure, Obama supports investing in 'fast track' alternatives. So, which alternatives are the 'fast track' alternatives? He never gets around to that because he doesn't know and couldn't explain it in plain terms if he did and neither can anyone around him. The quickest way to diminish electrical losses is to build more generating plants, nuke or otherwise but, he's against that. What is he for? He's in favor of you and I doing something about it. Don't you know the whole thing is your fault because you haven't checked your tire pressure lately? Yep, he's an empty suit following the 'wear a sweater and slow down' Jimmy Carter model. I lived through that and am not about to do it again.

Prediction: If Obama becomes president, we are going to be forced to drive 55 again. Suggest you invest in companies that make CB radios and radar detectors.
It doesn't. The original idea was fine, but the following logic was faulty. Inflating your tires gets more mileage for the car. But getting more mileage doesn't change the fact that we are still mainly dependent on foreign oil.
It doesnt solve our problems, Obama blames us for high oil prices, but he believes he can save us from ourselves because he is a elitest who believes he's better than everyone.
It cuts gas consumption.
I don't think the most ardent supporter of Obama went out to check 4 proper tire air pressure. It might not even affect newer gas engines since they already come with lower gas mileage.
It does little or nothing to cut dependence on foriegn oil.

Your boy Bush is the one who said addiction to foreign oil. Get your facts straight and stop fibbing.
He plans to declare air an economic good and tax you on it. It'll help boost our troubled economy.
Hot air won him several primary elections; what else does he have to offer the American people?

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