Friday, December 18, 2009

What do I need to do to fix an oil leak at the oil pressure sensor?

It's a simple snap in and snap out piece above the oil filter and it starts spraying whenever the car is running. I tried taping it but it doesn't help. I've tried cleaning out the insert area where the plug goes and snapping it in tight but to no avail. Is there a simple fix or do I need to buy a new piece?What do I need to do to fix an oil leak at the oil pressure sensor?
The reason it sprays is because the plastic top of the sensor has cracked, giving the oil a direct path out. What you are trying to seal is the electrical connector. remove the connector, then get the right size open end wrench, unscrew the sending unit, and put the new one in...relatively simple job, but messy cleaning up all that oil.

Remember, these are pipe threads, and the main part of the sender housing is probably aluminum, don't overtighten! Good and snug is all, it's a feel...What do I need to do to fix an oil leak at the oil pressure sensor?
You need to replace the sensor with a new one because it will just get worse.
Replace the sending unit. Its the cheapest fix.
Can try sealant, or just buy a new one.
You need to replace it. There is no way to stop one from leaking.
Buy a new one, Going to save you alot of time. And i know your time is worth more then the 20 bucks its going to cost for a new one.
Buy a new one they do not cost alot you dont want to tape or temporary fix this because if oil leaks %26amp; you dont know it you could blow up your motor it's not worth takeing a chance....
replace the sending unit as it's probably cracked.
What are you working on?

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