Friday, December 18, 2009

Why do republicans think we can fix our oil addiction by drilling for more oil?

That's like drinking your way out of alcoholism.Why do republicans think we can fix our oil addiction by drilling for more oil?
Because the oil companies want more money. They are tied in with the government, think of all the tax money all that gas brings in. I doubt they actually want to fix our oil addiction, something tells me that they just tell us that to shut us up for another few months. But since America is waking up to the bullshit of the medical community now, it can't be long until the same happens with oil companies. Just about every big industry like the oil one or the medical one is only there to get as much of your money as they can suck out of you. Do you really think we still have oil shortage problems? With all that drilling for more of it, I doubt it. It seems to me like they just took Katrina as an opportunity to raise prices, then keep raising them. When's the last time you heard something about why they've gone up?

And just for the sake of saying so, the medical community IS corrupted. Their medicine doesn't heal you, it makes you feel less like you have a cold or temporarily patches something up. Sometimes it even causes adverse reactions warranting for more, that's right, medicine to fix that. These side effects aren't all unintended, you know. For example, if someone has a disease that they need to take medicine for for the rest of their lives, shouldn't that medicine help at all? There are natural ways to heal almost anything (ask any REAL alternative healer, if they know what they're doing than they can do a hell of a lot, I learned this by watching my friend actually recover from asperger's and other mental disorders), and you don't have to use them every day for the rest of your life. The reason the FDA doesn't kill off the corrupted part of the medical community is because they want the money too, and so does the US government from all the taxes, and plus that would kill off the whole medical community. The FDA doesn't consider anything related to alternative healing as a real way to heal though, because since they actually heal you, they don't bring in as much money. Think about it, if an alternative healer can cure something deemed ';incurable,'; then they don't make money off medicine to make it go away for a few days. Anyway, that's all I'll say.Why do republicans think we can fix our oil addiction by drilling for more oil?
actually a better analogy would be to tell an alcoholic who works in a liquor store to get a job somewhere else- only he doesn't have a resume or skills to get a job anywhere else. once an addict, always an addict. americans are oil addicts and it will always be that way until we have a generation of americans that predominantly use alternatives and break the oil addiction cycle. bush's idea is to drill for the short term while industry, supply and demand, and markets come up with true oil energy alternatives that are affordable.
Republicans don't want to fix our oil addiction. There's money to be made and they want it. If drilling for more oil were the answer, the oil companies would be using the ton of permits they already have to drill. They like things the way they are so they can drive up the prices and take even more of our money.
People have short memories, back in 2000 there was a ';gas price crisis'; too, and Bush said if he was to be elected he would release the Strategic Oil Reserve. As predicted this was a short term solution.

Drilling off shore for more oil, is a long term solution that solves nothing now, in addition the oil companies are using little of their gigantic profits for new exploration or drilling in areas known to have oil.

Pickens has the right idea, drill for natural gas instead, there are enough reserves off shore for the next 75 years. This is coming from a guy that made millions as an oil man, stupid he's not.

GM alone has 19 different models that run on natural gas, none of them on sale in the US. In addition current available conversion kits for most cars on the road run around $200-$400 and are easily installed. There are 8 million cars in the world running on natural gas, only 150,000 of them are in the US.

Russia, who controls 60% of the world's natural gas resources is planning on opening natural gas stations across Europe and Russia, surely they are not dumping all that money into a wild guess.

That's what republicans like to do, come up with harebrained ideas and blame someone else.
Republican's aren't the only ones. I too kn0w that a lot of our oil problems can be helped by drilling. More oil means less oil from other countries. America has more oil than Saudi we just haven't tapped it yet. I live in a place that isn't known for it's oil and I had natural gas while growing up. Our well (which lasted for 60 years) finally started spitting out oil before we had it capped off. Our new oil wells will last a good 50 to 60 years (in what time we will have plenty of time to find other sources of fuel) and there are so many to be drilled. The fact that we won't need foreign oil will save the US a lot of money in the short and long run.

As far as the alcohol comment, you liberal/democrats would know better than anyone, just ask Teddy Kennedy.
Key word: ';think';. Republicans don't think. They just repeat what they're told without taking the time to ';think'; about what they're saying. For example, most Republicans support bills and policies that are hurting themselves, but again, they don't take the time to think about it and realize what's going on. There is a reason most highly educated people are NOT Republican.
I think you misunderstand..republicans are not against alternatives..the point is why can we not utilize all resources? if we would have drilled 10 years ago..we may not have the problems we do right now.Investing in alternatives is not an IMMEDIATE answer either--that too,takes why are Democrats trying to limit our options????????
you have been a leftist far too long, protecting some endangered flea while people are losing their jobs, cant afford food.

This country has plenty of oil, shale etc. and it wont take 10 years to get it.

When we went to war in the second world war, we mobilized fast and got it done fast, we can do it again.
If you all are wanting the government to fix this..then you are in denial...Fix it yourself...make the choices that will limit your exposure to any volatile for those who represent government, before the people, and you only make them stronger.Be carefull of going green...its a sham that is profit鈥?less... and make your vote count.
Unless you have a plan to ';swap out'; 10s of millions automobiles in America's driveways.... we NEED oil. Period.

NOTHING provides as much high-quality ENERGY as fossil fuels, and ';alternate'; sources simply can't meet our needs.

In the mean time.... we are spending too much on oil and one of the best ways to drive down prices, is to INCREASE SUPPLY.

The question is.... WHY do liberals we are better off with LESS?

Perhaps it is the same defective ';logic gene'; in their system that leads them to believe that by banning firearms and being ';guaranteed defenseless';..... they magically become ';safer';?
If the supply goes up that will help.....By the way, many Democrats feel the same way. You're the minority.
Because there is no economically viable alternative. It's as simple as that.
What is your plan to lower the price of gas?
Why do democrats think we can't?
because while it might not be a quick fix, it's a long term one....something dumbocrats will never understand. Weaning ourselves off of foreign controlled oil makes sense. Why do you want to be under the grips of Arab kings and princes?? Will people make millions off of new drilling....of course, someone gotta make money. Are you jealous it's not you? perhaps you should invest in some way and get yourself a small slice of the pie. While it make some people rich or richer it also creates jobs...something else dumbocrats will never understand. So stop whining about some f'in bird or tree and understand alternative solutions are either not practical or to ultrapricey to be put into place at this time. Oil is here, we use it, we need it. On a side note offshore oil rigs also act as great artifical reefs for recreational fishermen, in turn creating more business for them.....(No, I know you don't understand) unless you pedal your butt to work and the shopping store, your as guilty as the rest of us (gasp) for using the natural resources available!!

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