Friday, December 18, 2009

How much would it cost to fix an oil leak?

My boyfriend drives a 2000 Chrysler Neon, and it leaks a fair amount of oil. Since I know nothing about cars I have no idea what it would cost or how much to fix it. Is this an easy fix, and ballpark how much would something like this cost? He says it's not a big deal, but I drive the car during the day and my boss wont even let me park in the parking lot anymore due to the oil, our landlord has also complained several times. Will a mechanic do a free assessment?How much would it cost to fix an oil leak?
Yes a mechanic should spot it fairly easy. usually a valve cover gasket,a cheap fix. It could also be a rear main engine seal,costly fix. Or it could be your oil pan gasket needs to be replaced,cheap fix.

A mechanic should be able to tell you what it is plus how much to fixHow much would it cost to fix an oil leak?
There are many possible causes for an oil leak, so you won't get a useful estimate from this post. But yes, many mechanics will give a free estimate, assuming they can observe a problem with a likely solution without doing a lot of work. What they won't do for free is tear into an engine, give you a diagnosis and an estimate, and then put the car back together without fixing it, free of charge. But lots of leaks are easy enough to diagnose with a look see under the car, and I think you'll be able to find a free estimate if you call around to a few shops.

Good luck
Depending on what is leaking, it could cost anywhere from 100.00 to 1500.00.. have your trusted mechanic look at it......

Mine would do it for free,, but my mechanic would have told me about it, the last time I had the oil changed......
Most good mechanics will give you a free estimate. It is probably the oil pan gasket. The gasket itself is only about $20, but the labor to install it will run about $50-$75.
It really depends on what the problem is, it could be a lot of different things.
Not likely. But, if you go to a decent oil change shop, they will often do you the courtesy of telling you where the oil leak is located. Then you can call a few shops and ask them what it would cost for that particular seal to be replaced. It could be as easy as an oil pan gasket, then depending on your location and your mechanic, you could be looking at U$150 to US$250. Worst case it's a headgasket, which means then the mechanic has to pull the engine apart, and you're looking at US$600 to US$900 again depending on the mechanic and your location. I realize that a number from US$150 to US$900 is pretty variable, but the number of oil seals on an internal combustion engine is not something you can count on one hand. A good small shop mechanic might give you a bit of a break if you've recently had the engine steam cleaned, but that will probably cost you $100 or so as well, but that makes a 2 day old oil leak really easy to find, and it's always nicer to work on a clean car.

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