Friday, December 18, 2009

In Flight Simulator 2004, how do you fix low oil pressure problems?

I recently got an add on America West Express CRJ-900 Jet from Project Open Sky. It always has low oil pressure, and it causes the landing gear to go in and out so slow. How can i fix this?In Flight Simulator 2004, how do you fix low oil pressure problems?
Flight Simulator questions belong in the ';GAMES'; section. This is the ';TRANSPORTATION'; category for questions about real, tangible aircraft, not pretend ones from a computer game.

Here's a little hint: If you ';fly'; your airplane by putting a disc in a computer or game console you are NOT a pilot, you are a GAMER. You are playing a computer game, and your question doesn't belong here.In Flight Simulator 2004, how do you fix low oil pressure problems?
Hey micheal hello first.

that seems to be an advanced proplem made by the a/c it self other wise a proplem may be countered in your aircraft virgin butin reall world each a/c has it is own soulution but generally:

1- reduce the power setting for the a/c.

2- look out for the engin tempresure and pressure.

3-decied either to countinue or to land .

If the tempressure is high you have to land A.S.A.P. in order to prevent a case such as loosing the engine or fire reduce the power start dec you will feel the engin temp. is much better and land.

Note:oil pressure and temp. has nothing to do with the landing gears,cuz, landing gears operate under hydrulic pressure not oil pressure.

havea nice flights;)
You may be missing something in your procedures. I'm not familiar with the aircraft in question, but you may have pumps turned off or something like that. Normally you should not experience failures unless you enable failures in the simulator configuration. If you are getting low oil pressure without enabling failures, you're overlooking something on your checklists or missing something that has to be done to ensure that oil pressure reaches normal levels.

Landing gear isn't powered by oil pressure, it's powered by hydraulic pressure. If hydraulic pressure is the problem, you've probably forgotten to turn on pumps or open valves for the hydraulic system. Consult the operating manual for details. This sort of thing is a mistake rather than a failure, which is why it happens even if you have failures disabled.
Add some oil to the computer LOL!

There should be a setting under preferences or settings that adjusts the reliability of your aircraft. It might also be a problem with the aircraft file itself; maybe you should shop for a new CRJ.
Here's a thought - try putting the question in the forum for flight sims... 'Games' maybe ?

Hmmm. Novel idea I know, but you might get more quality responses there.

This is the forum for aircraft - real ones... that actually fly. I know - what a concept..

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